Tips for Better Looking Videos

Video content should look polished and professional in order to capture an audience, but this doesn’t mean you can’t show off your personality. After all, a strong sense of identity is crucial in developing your brand and piquing viewers’ curiosity. Perhaps you feel that something in your videos is lacking, but you can’t pin down the cause. If you want to up your game and create better looking videos, these tips should give you more clarity.

How to Create Better Looking Videos

Try a Simple Background

If your background is too loud and cluttered, viewers might have a hard time focusing on your message. For better looking videos, your background should be bright and fresh, with a few things peppered here and there to show off your individuality. Think about how you would approach decorating a small room: if you crowd the space with junk, it loses its functionality and isn’t pleasing to look at. The same holds true for video content: you’re operating in a small square of space, so you want it to appear balanced and tidy. Otherwise, people will become too distracted by what’s going on behind you!

Remember: Location is Key

Consider your brand and what you’re trying to convey. A meditation studio that hosts online content might want to choose an outdoor location, something calm and relaxing with green foliage and sounds of nature to put the viewer at ease. If information and speaking content is the focus of your video, however, you’ll want to choose a quiet, indoor setting with muted colors and as little background noise as possible. Making better looking videos means putting the audience first. What might be appealing to them? Use location as a tool: how can it help illustrate your brand identity?

Use Soft, Natural Light

Your viewers want to be able to see you. Otherwise, why would they be tuning in to your video? They should also feel welcome. Have you ever been blinded by white lights in your rearview mirror? Harsh lighting can make your audience feel sidetracked or they may choose to stop watching as a result, which is never ideal. Choose a room with lots of windows to provide natural light if you can. For better looking videos in dim spaces, add extra light sources and use diffusion paper, white boards, soft boxes or umbrellas to reflect the light and give it a soft glow.

Liven it Up

Don’t underestimate the power of color! While screaming at viewers with neon shades might not be the best idea, complementary colors can add vivacity to your videos and make them stand out instantly. In addition, colors can be used in a variety of unique ways to craft better looking videos: colorful potted plants, artwork and small accent pieces can add a great deal to the foreground. How do those hues play against the background? The two should go hand in hand. Color can also be experimented with in different editing programs to achieve your desired look. What colors you choose will determine the mood of your content, so put some time into brainstorming how varying shades can support your brand goals.

ZMBmedia can help elevate your videos and make them stand out. We can assist you with creating videos according to your business’s needs, from promotional material to more detailed marketing videos for your products or services. ZMBmedia invites you to get in touch with our Baltimore-based videographers to learn more. Contact us today at