It’s no secret that using video is now a necessary tactic to successfully market your business and stand out from the crowd. This has been traditionally done through television advertising but can now look like a live stream, a tutorial for your product or an ad that plays automatically on one’s social media feed. The playing field has been somewhat leveled, with companies of all sized producing high-quality videos without needing expensive professional video equipment. Figuring out why video marketing is important and what it can do for your business is the key to tackling this relatively new medium.
Video Marketing is Easily Shareable
Video content is being shared more than text or images, with 92% of mobile video consumers sharing videos with others in their social circle. If you’re able to create video marketing content that resonates with your consumer base, it has the possibility to go far beyond your sphere of influence. This can be a guaranteed way to increase your brand awareness.
Easier to Consume
The effectiveness of print advertising and the popularity of image-based platforms shows that images are one of the least time-consuming mediums for marketing. When you take away the need for reading and convert words to audio, this removes the steps for consumers to understand your intended message. Your marketing will also be more effective since information conveyed through video is better retained.
Builds Audience Trust
Video marketing can be a way for your consumers to better understand the voice and personality of your brand. Use it in conjunction with other branding techniques like an overarching tone or color palette to give your brand more dimension. The better the audience knows your business, the more they will come to trust it. Audience trust can turn into repeat customers, better brand reputation, and brand awareness through word of mouth.
Boosts Business Credibility
Online shopping has become the primary method of shopping for consumers, especially considering the events of the past year. Video is the perfect way to get rid of any doubts a potential customer might have since they’re unable to see your product in person. Product videos help to educate and inform your customers on your product in more detail. A better understanding of your product through this transparency gives your business an air of credibility.
ZMBmedia can give your business the boost it needs by enhancing your video marketing efforts. We can help you create videos according to your business’s needs, from promotional material to more detailed marketing videos for your products or services. ZMBMedia invites you to get in touch with our Baltimore-based videographers to learn more. Contact us today at