What Types of Videos a Corporation Should Be Making

Every day, people are using videos to share their ideas and experiences. Due to social media and mobile devices, more people are watching online videos now than ever before. According to Hubspot, this number has nearly doubled since 2018. Without a doubt, this medium should be an integral part of any organization’s social media strategy. For small businesses, videos are an excellent way to spread awareness and engage customers. However, it’s just as important for a corporation to invest in video marketing. If you own a large-scale business, it’s crucial to maintain your brand and keep customers coming back.

With that being said, it can be difficult to know what to focus on when planning your video strategy. Keep reading to learn more about what types of videos a corporation should be making.

What Types of Videos a Corporation Should Be Making



Every customer should feel like their experience is tailored specifically to them. Mom-and-pop shops can provide this naturally, but corporations need to work twice as hard to accomplish it. One great way to do this is by answering customer questions. As a large company, you may not be able to respond to each person individually. Providing a video of frequently asked questions let you speak directly to customers and explain your services. Put a face to your brand in the video, and be sure to collect data from audiences beforehand. You want to make sure you’re addressing the questions people need answers to most.


There’s no better way to promote your brand than to make a unique, compelling video. In fact, 87% of video marketers say videos give them a better ROI (return on investment). You can endorse your products and services in a variety of ways through promotional videos. For example, a corporation could host a launch, introduce their menu of services, or display how their merchandise works. For potential hires, it’s also great to create a video showcasing your company culture. After all, creating videos isn’t always about selling a product. It can also be about selling an idea. What values do you hold? What do you want people to understand about your corporation?


92% customers use online reviews when considering a purchase, and today, word of mouth travels fast. Now, people don’t have to ask around to learn about a company’s reputation. Instead, they can simply access hundreds of reviews at the click of a button. Testimonial videos give businesses the chance to be transparent. However, a corporation should tread carefully where these videos are concerned. Testimonials can appear gimmicky if they aren’t produced correctly. Customers can tell if what they’re seeing isn’t authentic, and it’s essential to build consumer trust. Always opt for real customers who have tried your products and can offer insider knowledge. More than anything, audiences appreciate honesty and candid videos.

ZMBmedia can help elevate your videos and make them stand out. We can assist you with creating engaging videos according to your business’s needs, from promotional material to more detailed marketing videos for your products or services. ZMBmedia invites you to get in touch with our Baltimore-based videographers to learn more. Contact us today at www.zmbmedia.com.